In this tutorial, I will teach you how to make your own pixelated digital art that you can sell online. I will teach you how to know the latest trends in ideas for your digital art. Also, how to make pixels NFTs at no cost for you to use them in your digital art.
Mint and then sell your NFT artwork later on via marketplaces such as Opensea or Rarible, an event that you do not Have any knowledge in graphic design, or anything else. You are assured that you are able to do this without no making a single investment in costly designing software or equipment. It is possible to do this from anywhere all over the globe. all you need is a laptop or computer that has access via the internet and you’re All set to get ready to.
To begin, I’d like you to visit,
Enter the search term such as “astronaut” choose “images” and choose an image of an astronaut
down below. Before you do this, ensure that you’ve got Select “creative commons licence” as the permissions to use you have selected “creative commons license” as a permissions option in the Google search settings advanced settings.
This is crucial, as you can use images taken that are licensed by Google has been provided with a Creative Commons License, and templates to help you create your digital art can prevent you from being involved in any copyright-related issues. Just click the gear icon in the top right corner, go in the upper right-hand corner to “advanced search” then, click “Creative Commons Licenses”
for your usage rights for your usage rights. Click to. Select an image that depicts an astronaut as an example.
This one is here. Click it, then save that image onto your computer.
It doesn’t require an astronaut, though. This technique works well in any field you like. I’ve chosen an astronaut to make a point of This tutorial was created because I came across this NFT pixelated of an astronaut while looking for inspiration on the market of Opensea. Pixelated art is now popular recently.
In the NFT space of NFT. The public seems to be really interested in NFTs with the ability to display pixels Images, you will clearly see it when you browse through the marketplaces through Opensea and Rarible, Therefore, it’s probably not the worst option to make your own digital artwork to create a digital art piece, and then display it on your wall. You can mint and then you can sell it later on for an astronomical price. The astronaut in this image is worth 0.1 ETH is pretty good. 0.1 is roughly 334 dollars. It is possible to conclude, that the worth of this price is expected to increase in the near future.
If we consider the increasing popularity of pixelated art within pixelated art in the NFT community. How can you create digital art that is like that Here, without the status of an expert digital artist or not using any fancy software for designing? Let me explain. Now that you are aware of where to look for ideas for Your digital artwork your digital art, I suggest you visit a website that is called “”. Choose the image file of the astronaut. The file you downloaded from earlier steps, then upload it, then click “pixelate” below and let it do the rest.
Now, as you see, your image of an astronaut has been transformed. It has been transformed into a pixelated picture. Choose PNG as your output format and the file will be downloaded.
Your digital artwork can be transferred to your computer. You can do this again and pixelate as many pictures or images you love to mint and then sell as digital art on different NFT marketplaces.
If you’re using images, they contain If you have a Creative Commons license, you’re set. This is a fairly quick method to create a lot of stunning pixelated NFTs and build an impressive collection of your own digital artwork you can create and mint and sell for a substantial profit on Opensea or Rarible such as. Another benefit of this technique is : That you do not have to pay for any fees you do not have to buy equipment or software for designing, You don’t have to sign-up on this website. Click this is the place to go. It is possible to use this tool for pixelization as often as you want.
However, you’d like, completely at no cost. And if you’re more imaginative and want to be more creative, you can alter the size of the block in your image with pixels here. just experiment with the size of your pixels to create your digital art style more distinctive.
Before you begin the process of minting your coins and then selling them as digital art available on NFT marketplaces, you’ll have to scale your images with pixelated pixels, first. To do this first, go to Google first to search, and Look for a site that is called “”. This online tool lets users to alter the size of your image.
dimensions of your photos, for no cost and without having to sign for an account. Upload the image that you wish to increase the size, of here. Scroll down, uncheck “keep aspect ratio”, and then adjust the resolution on your image and adjust the resolution at 32 pixels by 32. This is the normal resolution.
For NFTs with pixelated pixels. You can scroll down a bit more then click “resize image” and finally, upload your pixelated and altered image to your computer. That’s how you make stunning digital
art to add to artwork for your NFT portfolio. Now you can create your own pixelated art with any
NFT market you like such as Opensea or Rarible Convert them to digital assets, you should wait in anticipation for the value of your assets to increase, and eventually, you can sell them for profits.
In summation, to sum it all up, if your goal is to build Pixelated NFT art, without any background in graphic design Find some trends The most well-known NFT marketplaces, such as Opensea For instance Model hot-selling products by locating and downloading similar photos and images and photos Google or other websites that are equipped with and a creative commons license. Utilize pixelization tools to convert your downloaded Images that can be transformed to images that are pixelated.