How To Mint An NFT On Ethereum

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Today, we will discuss how to create one NFT with Etherium. The first thing to note is that it’s going to be a little different in the case of each project. is using. Each project has its own unique website. However, Ethereum is fairly simple. For instance, we’re going to use an initiative called The Draft Tower. The majority of NFt discord servers feature official links as a channel and draft tower’s official links.

you’ll visit the minting site in the first channel I’d never click on links that aren’t on the official Links tab of these discords. Be sure to use your best judgment when you do this, as anyone may post a link that could lead to a malicious website. Therefore, we’ll visit the minting site here on It is also possible to lookup how to scan the contract for ether by simply looking for the wallet, or, in this case, have it listed on their official hyperlinks. This is the official minting site for the Giraffe Tower.

This is a concept and abased idea. It’s a good thing we have a metamask wallet that uses Ethereum and most of these websites will offer a place that allows you to connect your wallet and click connect. After that, it will ask you to confirm which wallet you’re signing into. Then click Next. Verify that it’s the correct address you’re trying to connect to Then, connect to the website. Now your wallet is linked to the minting website. The process could be different depending on the type of project you’re minting. In this instance, you can mint as many as 20 coins per transaction.

However, some banks will only allow a particular amount, perhaps three coins per wallet, or a lower amount or even a larger quantity per transaction. The next section, it explains the cost of each mint. The Mint is in essence making the NFT. It’s the first time it is listed as a blockchain. Therefore, it costs 0.05 to create one, plus gas. Gas is the transaction cost. It varies based on how many transactions are processed by the system. If you’d like to know the price of gas on Etherium You can visit You can find the price here. It says 27 gwei is the current gas price.

The price is subject to change throughout the day dependent on how busy it is. add the number of NF T’s you wish to mint. In this case, I’m going to make sure to go all the way to mint twenty. You are free to choose any amount you like. Hit mint, since I’m making 20. In this instance, I’ll pay one ETH. However, it’s only 0.05 ETC per NFT I’m printing. If there’s enough money to cover the price of gas at the moment and you can mount immediately. You could also put it off until the gas price decreases by clicking Edit and then selecting advanced options.

After that, you can specify the gas price you’re willing to pay. I have noticed that during the middle of the night, the price of gas decreases. Therefore, if I told you I’d be willing to pay maybe 17 dollars. Then I could choose to save. After that, I can confirm, and it will only be confirmed once it has reached the price of that particular gasoline. Therefore, I’m going ahead and click Confirm. If I’d like to confirm whether transactions are progressing I could visit the address of the contract that’s available on the majority of websites to these servers. There it is! has been waiting for about 40 seconds I’m paying for one hour. And I stated that I’d like to be willing to shell out 17 Gwei in order to complete that. Now we’ll simply wait for it to complete.

It is also possible to alter the price of gas to a higher rate should we want to go through quicker. Okay, so the minting process has been completed. Since I was waiting for the price of gas to drop the transaction took 2 hours and 35 mins for the transaction to be completed. If I’d wanted to pay for the current price of gas the transaction would have been quicker. It is possible to look up all the token numbers I have gotten from the data. If I decide that I only wanted to create one, it’d be just one token or however many I really meant to say. However, if you don’t use ether scan to confirm that the NFTs are in your wallet. And if I opensea the app and then connect with my MetaMask account, then I will be able to see all the NFTs compatible with it.

These are all the ones I mentioned earlier. said in an effort to remind me that all minting sites could be different, but the majority of Etherium projects based on Etherium follow the same model, however, make sure to do your own investigation. I do not offer any advice on finances, so please make your Research. If you have gained something from this video, then I’m glad you did. Make sure you go through the next video and should you have any suggestions regarding future video content, be sure you leave your suggestions in the comments. Also, ensure that you follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. and ring the bell. I’ll see you in the next video.

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