Polygon vs Ethereum NFT, what to choose?

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today i want to answer a very popular question about what is better polygon or Ethereum when you want to sell your entities on opensea, seat and what is the difference between the free polygon option and paid Ethereum option first of all Ethereum blockchain is much more popular than Polygon and of course it is its biggest advantage.

Because most collectors used to use the Ethereum blockchain to buy nfts so when we go to opensea and click the explorer tab we can take a look at what’s more popular on opensea so let’s do the following, let’s apply some filters we want to select chain to let’s select Ethereum chain so we see 19 million almost 20 million results and if we select polygon we see only 3 million results.

So the difference is huge but as you see it’s like more than 10 of all energies on opensea on polygon, this is a pretty big number because if you had looked at it like months or two months ago you would have seen a bigger much bigger difference, and much less percent of a polygon and if it is on opensea and let us also apply another filter on status so we want to see nft is on serum and polygon that Has offers.

So let’s switch to Ethereum first and click has offered what do we see now that around two million of nft on opensea has offered or sold, let’s see what we have for polygon here , we have just 172 thousand it’s more than 10 times less than on Ethereum well but still I would say for polygon the second layer blockchain.

It may be a good result and also I would like to apply another filter here so let’s switch to Ethereum and put a minimum amount of the offers so let’s put 500. it’s about 0.1 something Ethereum so let’s see what we have here so on a theorem these amounts three almost three hundred thousand nfts collectors are willing to pay

For this or higher amount for nft and let’s see how it looks for polygon again we see that it’s 17 a thousand uh results uh have higher offers than five hundred dollars which is again like less than ten percent so what we see we actually don’t seem like the big correlation between um the price it’s still about

Uh 10 so, for now, we can say that 10 of nfts on opensea are on polygon and we don’t know if this percent will grow or not so but still I am not taking any sides just saying that at the moment Ethereum of course is much more popular another advantage of

Ethereum is that it is easier to resell Ethereum nfts on other platforms because a serum is supported by multiple platforms like variable and so on so you can create nft on opensea and sell it on wearable at the moment wearable does not support polygon that’s why your polygon nft won’t be even displayed on a variable by the way

About displaying nft serum nfts actually are displayed on many different platforms even they do not sell at natives nfts like, for example, the platforms for virtual exhibitions they automatically show all your Ethereum nfts available on multiple platforms on the foundation on opensea you will see them so if you connect with your wallet on this kind of platforms like on cyber io

You will automatically be able to display your works in the virtual spaces for example so big plus of Ethereum um and it is a that they are cross-platform so what then what is the main disadvantage of Ethereum of course as you might guess it’s high gas fees and not green technology at the moment that’s why we can say that big plus of a polygon blockchain is that it is green

It does not have gas fees and it is free it is cost-effective then but what is the disadvantage of polygon speaking about disadvantages we should mention security because it is the layer 2 blockchain meaning that a serum is the main chain for polygon polygons still uses Ethereum and blockchain for all its transactions but because it is a layer 2 blockchain it is not that secure as Ethereum

Blockchain then it is limited reselling support as I said that it’s the advantage of Ethereum and a disadvantage of polygon because it is supported by opensea only for now I mean among big nft platforms another thing that we have to mention is that when you want to breach Ethereum to polygon to be able to buy a polygon nfts you will still need paydays fees for this bridge but I cannot say that it is

A big uh minus big disadvantage because on Ethereum anyway you will need to wrap is to does and it also requires guest fees so it is probably a disadvantage of both networks not just part of them these are main points that are technical but I also want to share my own experience with polygon and Ethereum

I should say that I feel more comfortable selling on Ethereum and also I saw the results of some collections recently i was consulting one nft artist and his collection was on polygon but then we started to look at why nobody buys anything because the collection is wonderful it’s cool I advise them to try Ethereum

Blockchain on again on opensea and they minted all their collection on Ethereum blockchain and we saw the first sale in a couple of days I also collected one of the entities from their collection I love what they do and they I think they have like lots of potential it turned out that it’s easier to sell on Ethereum and they immediately had some movement

They had some um inquiry from nft magazine to talk about their collection and stuff like that I would like also to know what you think about polygon and Ethereum what you have tried I’ll be happy to read your comments and to be such a maybe a place where we can exchange information because I think my audience as myself is not like crypto people we are more

Most of us are artists who want their art to be seen to be known to be displayed to be sold and eventually pay bills or you are maybe collectors who really appreciate the art and want to collect the art you like not just for flipping purposes

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